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Xenix Design provides our pricing and policies with clarity and conciseness from the start!


After initial-planning, we charge $350 as a base-fee for a basic photo-shoot (involving a smaller-group (1-3 people)


Event-work that involves capturing an event-activities including setup and video-capture is $600

(Video-capture will be top-tier 4k-footage)


Please anticipate a minimum of a week of development-time before delivery of finalized-product.


You may be notified of longer wait-time depending on the load.




  • A session includes two-hours of shooting. Each additional-hour required to complete the shoot is an additional $50.

  • Photos will be delivered with professionally-guided, image-refinement such as cropping, color, exposure and texture refinement.

  • If you are interested in custom, hand-retouching such as the removal of skin-blemishes, objects OR anything that requires fundamental-changes to what's in the actual-photo there is $75 fee for three photos.

  • Customers are usually surprised with the sheer quantity of quality-photos they receive. You have the option to receive the photos thru either a complementary standard-USB drive that you can keep OR thru a cloud-download via Microsoft OneDrive-service.

  • If you opt for the USB-drive and the drive is lost, we do not guarantee the ability to provide all photos again but should be able to for at least 6-months. Replacement USB-drives are provided for $25.

  • For clients who choose cloud-download: Xenix Design is not responsible for any potential data-exposure that could result from the usage of cloud-storage to provide your images NOR are we responsible for any-actions of anyone to whom you share your link or images with. Your download-link will be sent solely to the email-address you provide in-person during the photo-shoot.

  • Photos provided thru cloud-storage are promised availability for one-week after the initial-post. After one week, access to the link may be subject to removal to clear storage. You are subject to another $25-fee, if storage has to be re-allotted to provide access again.

  • Expect invoice-statement to be enforced by access-restriction if necessary.

  • Xenix Design reserves the right to not provide access to all b-roll footage for reputational-purposes.

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